Friday, March 25, 2016

50 Amaizing Facts About Almonds

Although many of us would consider almonds to be nuts, scientifically speaking they are closer to peach pits. Almonds come in two varieties, sweet and bitter. Sweet almonds are used in many Asian dishes, as well as dessert pastes and garnishes.The bitter form of almonds is also used in cooking, but it must first be processed in the raw stage.

Almonds are highly nutritious and is categorized as one of the healthiest and well-balanced food. So, before starting with almond benefits, let us take a look at almond nutrition facts. ¼ cup (around 35 grams) of whole almonds contains around 7 grams carbohydrates, 7.6 grams protein, 4.1 grams dietary fiber, 18 grams of fat, 1.7 grams sugar, zero cholesterol and amounts to 206 calories. Detailed below are 50 amaizing facts about almonds;

Nutrition Facts about Almonds

1.The high content of oleic acid in almonds helps to fight against coronary diseases. Oleic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid reduces blood pressure.
2.Almonds contain anti-oxidants which remove the toxic oxygen free radicals from our skin and mucous membrane.
3.These nuts are rich in vitamin E which acts as a fat-soluble antioxidant. Vitamin E in almonds is present in the alpha-tocopherol form. 100 grams of almonds contain 25 grams of vitamin E.
4.Almonds contain unsaturated fats which have no cholesterol. It also aids in reducing the levels of LDL cholesterol that helps in lowering the chances of heart diseases.
5.Lots of minerals are present in almonds which include calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc among others. Calcium, being the main mineral constituent of our body is needed for toning up muscles and bones and preventing diseases like osteoporosis. A healthy consumption of almonds everyday helps meet the daily magnesium requirement of 300mg in young women and 350mg in young men.
6.Almonds are rich in folic acid and therefore beneficial for pregnant women, as they prevents the risk of birth defects in a baby. Folic acid also reduces the chances of cervical cancer.
7.Almonds are a source of phytochemicals which are chemical substances obtained from plants and help keep cancer and cardiac problems at bay. Phyto-chemicals cut down on the risk of cancer and several other chronic diseases.
8.Most of the B-complex vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamin, pantothenic acid and B-6 are obtained from these nuts.

Health Benefits of Almonds

As mentioned above, almond benefits range from its use in maintaining proper health of the brain, the heart and the skin. The following are the health benefits of almonds:

1. Raw almonds and almond oil is considered most effective for the brain. Having a few almonds everyday helps in improving memory and concentration, especially in children. It is also believed to make children sharp and active.
2. Almonds help build strong bones and teeth: The phosphorus in almonds helps make this possible.
3. Benefits of almonds for skin are particularly popular. Including almonds in the diet helps in having a supple skin. On the other hand, applying almond oil directly on the skin also helps in having a smooth and healthy skin.
4. Sweet almond oil benefits also include treatment and prevention of dry and cracked skin. This oil is also popularly applied to baby’s skin.
5. The mono saturated fats found in almonds are good for heart health. The mono saturated fats along with antioxidants also help in prevention of heart diseases.
6. One of the other almonds health benefits is that it helps in maintaining a proper blood pressure and indirectly helps in prevention of diseases caused due to high blood pressure.
7. Almonds contain folic acid, which is one of the most important nutrient to prevent birth defect in pregnancy. Benefits of almonds during pregnancy also include its use in the treatment of constipation, which is commonly seen during pregnancy.
8. The organic almond milk contain less amounts of calories and hence, can be consumed by people on a diet. Almond milk is also claimed to help in quick weight loss.
9. There are also several benefits of almond oil for hair. It is used to treat dryness of hair and prevent it from being coarse and thereby, it stops hair fall.
10. Benefits of soaking almonds in water also include its use in the prevention of cancer, diabetes, inflammation and stomach disorders.
11. 33% of the daily requirement of Vitamin E (which comprises a fat-soluble antioxidant) required by the body, can be made up by taking one ounce of almonds. That is the reason they are considered rich source of Vitamin E.
12. For Lowering LDL Cholesterol: One of the most important health benefits of eating almonds is taking care of the ‘bad’ (LDL) cholesterol in the body. Almonds are high-fat food, but containing monounsaturated fats, which are health-promoting fats. These fats are associated with reduced risk of heart diseases. In certain studies, it was revealed that when almonds were combined with a healthy diet, the benefits were additive.
13. For Weight Loss: One smart way for weight loss is to include almonds in your daily diet. These nuts are high in fiber and protein, and help to keep you feel fuller for a longer time. So till it is lunch or dinner time, you would not feel the need or temptation of munching on those unhealthy ‘fast foods’.
14. They help provide good brain function: Almonds contain riboflavin and L-carnitine, nutrients that boost brain activity and may also reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
15. They alkalize the body: Almonds are the only nut and one of the few proteins that are alkaline forming. When your body is not alkaline enough, you risk osteoporosis, poor immune function, low energy and weight gain.
16. Supplements of vitamin B17 for the prevention and cure of various kinds of cancer are virtually impossible to purchase in some nations, such as the United States, where the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has made it illegal to sell them (but not illegal to own or use).

Tips for eating or cooking

Let’s get these tasty almonds into our diet.

1. Almonds can be difficult to digest and may stress your pancreas. Like all nuts they contain phytate which makes them difficult to digest. To get maximum nutrition it is best to soak them before they are eaten, or roast them. Almonds are one of only a few nuts that will actually sprout when soaked. When you soak them it neutralizes the phytate, allowing the nutrients from the nut to be released.
2. Almond flour is great in gluten-free cooking and baking.
3. Almond Milk with its mild flavor and light color is a very good alternative for those who need to be dairy free, soy free or vegan.
4. Green almonds are dipped in sea salt and eaten as snacks on Iran street markets.
5. Eat almonds with the skin, as it contains more than 20 antioxidant flavanoids.
6. Almond oil is good for cooking at high temperatures; it has a high smoke point.
7. Eat your almonds in this delicious Nutritious Nut Loaf.

Beauty tips of Almonds

For Smooth, Flawless Skin:
Almond oil is a mild, hypoallergenic oil that can be safely used even on baby skin. In fact, it is the best massage oil for infants. When gently rubbed into the skin, it gets fully absorbed, making it suitable for after bath application. To enhance absorption, warm the oil to body temperature before application. This natural oil has a slightly nutty smell, which most people find pleasant, but you can mix in a few drops of lavender oil, or any other fragrant essential oil of your choice, to personalize it.

For Deep Cleansing Of Skin:
1. It is easy to make a natural facial scrub with almond oil and fine sugar. Mix them together and apply on the face, working in circles to gently lift off grime and dead cells. Wash it off with water. Repeat it every week for beautiful, radiant skin.
2. It is excellent for removing makeup even from the tender area around the eyes. Dip a ball of cotton in the oil and apply it on the face. Allow to remain for 2 minutes and then gently wipe it off with a fresh piece of cotton.

To Control Hair Loss:
You need to use almond oil on a regular basis to control hair loss. Warm one tablespoon of oil and apply it to the scalp every night after your shower or bath. Rub it in gently until most of the oil is absorbed into the scalp. Leave it on overnight for best results. Eating a few almonds every day or mixing in a few drops of almond oil into your salad or smoothie will work from the inside to make your hair healthy.

For Long Shiny Hair:
Restore the protective oil layer by applying almond oil to your hair right after washing it with a gentle organic shampoo. First, dry the hair with a towel to remove excess moisture. Rub the oil between your palms and run your hand through the entire length of the hair to coat every strand evenly. Leave the hair to air dry naturally, combing occasionally with a wide-toothed comb to separate the strands. This treatment gives hair a nice sheen, besides making it manageable and tangle-free.

For Healthy Nails:
Apply a drop of warm oil on the nail and rub it into the cuticle. If you can’t find the time to do it every day, make it a weekly habit in order to grow thicker, smoother nails.

Face Packs of Almonds:

Almond Milk for fairness:
To prepare this face pack, soak 3-5 almond in milk at night and the next day crush them with milk to make a granular paste. Apply that paste on the face for 20 minutes or when it gets completely dry. Wash this with cold water. This is the best almond face pack to all skin types to get fair complexion and smooth skin.

Almond and yogurt for acne:
Take some almond and soak them in water at night. Crush them with some yoghurt and make paste. To crush the almond you can grind them. This will be easier. Apply this almond face pack evenly and let it get dry. When it gets dry rinse the face with plain water. This can be used by oily skin to remove the acne pimple marks from the face. This will also give glow on the face.

Almond and papaya for oily skin:
Take a slice of papaya and mash it well. Take 4-5 almonds that you should soak in water at night so that they get soft by the morning. Now crush the almonds with water to get a paste and mix the papaya pulp in that. Mix and apply this almond face pack and wait for 20 minutes. Wash the face with cold water. This face pack is ideal for oily skin that needs fairness.

Almond and oatmeal for dry skin:
For this almond pack, you will need oatmeal and almond. Soak some almond at night and crush them to make a paste with milk. In that add some oatmeal and make a paste. Oatmeal are very nourishing that is why this pack is perfect or dry skin to heal the dryness on the face. Apply this on the face evenly and wash the face with cold water after 20 minutes. It will be slightly granular so will also scrub the peeling skin from the dry face.

Banana and Almond for glow:
This is a quick face pack with almonds for glowing skin that can be tried before going to a party or a function. Men too can try this pack. Soak almonds at night in water. Grind the almond to get a paste and add some mashed banana pulp. Apply this face pack with almond on the face. Wash with cold water after 15-20 minutes. Banana is good for dry skin.

Almond and lemon juice for sun tan:
Take some grinded almond paste which you will have to make with milk or rose water. Mix some lemon juice in it. Your face pack with almond and lemon is ready. Use that on the face and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash this with cold water. Lemon juice is good for removing sun tan from the face and also on the body.

Almond and sandalwood for fairness:
Grind some soaked almonds with milk and when you get a paste add the equal amount of sandalwood powder in it. If needed add some more milk. Use this face pack and let it dry thoroughly. Wash with tepid water. It is beneficial in making the skin light and skin whitening. This can be tried 3 times in a week for even the sensitive skin.

Almond ubtan pack, Besan, and turmeric for skin tightening:
This is an almond ubtan face pack for which you will need turmeric powder, besan or gram flour and almond paste. Take the grinded almond paste, around 1 teaspoonful and add 1 teaspoonful of besan and ¼ teaspoonful of turmeric powder. Make the paste with some milk. Apply on the face and let it dry. Wash with cold water. This will make the face glow, lighten skin complexion. It will fade the skin darkness and pimple marks.

Aloe vera gel and Almond for fairness:
Take some grinded almond paste and add some aloe vera gel in it. Apply on the face and wash with tepid water. This is suitable for sensitive skin which needs fairness and removal for the scars on the face. This pack can be tried 3 times in a week. Almond will improve the skin complexion.

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