Friday, March 18, 2016

Easy Nail Art Design Step by Step Tutorial

Do you spend hours online searching for step by step nail art designs that you can do in your spare time at home? This easy nail art design step by step tutorial will help you understand what it takes to do nail art with easy to follow images.

Things you will need

  • different shades of nail polishes of your choice
  • thin paint brush or bobby pins (in case if your design involves dots)
  • scotch tape or cello tape
  • a pair of scissors
  • round shaped band aid (if you are doing a semi-circle design)

5 Tips to keep in mind when applying nail art

  1. Nails should be neatly manicured before painting. If your natural nails are too short or bitten down, consider applying acrylic nails before painting your design.
  2. You would need to work as fast as possible, since nail polish dries rather quickly. Feel free to mix glitter into the polish colors before painting your nails. Try using stick-on stones to jazz up a simple motif.
  3. To make your designs last longer (since you’ve put in so much effort into it), apply a coat of clear nail polish every two or three days. Don’t use your nails as kitchen tools and wear gloves when doing tasks that may cause damage to your nails.
  4. It’s best to use a Q-tip and nail polish remover to clean any polish application mistakes.
  5. Remember, nail art is like makeup – there are NO RULES! You need to try out things you like and customize it to your choice.

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