Wednesday, May 18, 2016

How Contact Lenses Destroy Your Eyes

Contact lenses are great for our performance. But you should check the reference first to avoid problems and risks before using it.

It can be easily disposed and does not require cleaning or storage. After wearing for three to four weeks users can dispose it off immediately. They look similar to a water droplet as it is made from water related polymer.
The recent statistics proved that approximately around 80% people wear these lenses. They are very comfortable and do not result in any kind of irritations. Contact lenses fit perfectly to the eye. It does not cause tears or develop deposits in the eyes.
Even it does not require sterilization process.

But unfortunately, it has its disadvantages too. The overall risk involved may be minor but can affect the overall health in general. Now, let us go though few prominent contact lenses side effects and risks associated with it.

Hygiene: Eyes are very sensitive. If you do not keep hygiene to maintain your lenses, you will end up suffering from an eye infection. To avoid facing the side effects of wearing contact lenses, you should maintain them with proper lens hygiene. For example, clean the lens with solution every time before and after wearing, change your lens every 6 months, etc.

Burning eyes: When you try to set these plastic or silicon lens inside your eyes, you feel a burning sensation instantly. Eyes are very sensitive. If a small dust particle enters, it becomes red. What will happen when you try to put lens? The inflammation is felt but, it is temporary. You can also get bumps on the eyelids and these swollen eyelid are painful. These bumps can make it difficult to wear lens till they heal.

Dry eyes: Tear evaporation or the dry tear glands make the eyes itchy and dry. This is more common side effect that is felt when you wear contact lenses for a long time. You might feel some inflammation in your eyes after taking out the lens. This is due to the dryness that these lenses cause in your eyes.

Fluid deposit: Intraocular fluid from the lens gets deposit on the retina. This fluid can lead to eye infections. This is more common when you wear soft lenses daily, as they are flexible and the fluid doesn’t come out easily after washing with the solution.

Allergy: One of the side effects of contact lenses is eye allergy. Some people are allergic to contact lenses but they are unaware of it. After putting the lenses, the eyes will become red. This hypersensitivity can be due to the lens solution that affects the eyes.

If anything is wrong with the lenses then make sure that you buy the perfect one. In the beginning, you may feel halos or flaring due to lenses. This happens mainly during the night. Early symptoms or signs are normal but in case of prolonged pain remove it. Furthermore, if you take a nap wearing contact lenses then it may result in vision problems. Contact lenses side effects and risks connected with it may prove critical. So undergo early medications or switch to eye glasses. In case of serious effects, surgery is the only option. But undergoing a surgery may be a painful procedure.

Keep in mind; before touching your lenses make sure that your hands are clean. Wash it with mild soap. Avoid soap that contains any form of chemicals. Make use of a proper cleaner to take away the residue. Always store your lenses in a dirt free and clean containers to avoid contact lenses side effects and risks.

These are few common side effects of wearing contact lens. Do you suffer from any other problem after wearing lens? Share with us.

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