Wednesday, June 8, 2016

17 Effective Tips to Overcome Thirst in Ramadan

The feeling of thirst in the month of Ramadan becomes intense in summer because the period of fasting may extend to more than 14 hours a day.
The body continues to lose water throughout these hours. At the time of Iftaar (the fast-breaking meal), one is in urgent need of prompt and adequate compensation for the liquids it lost. However, it is possible to help our bodies maintain water, resist the feeling of thirst, and reduce its intensity by following the principles of healthy nutrition during the month of fasting. Therefore, exerting some effort to avoid thirst would be easier than bearing the suffering.

Here are few tips for how to avoid excessive thirst during the month of ramadan.

1. Use Lassi or Yoghurt in Sehri
In the morning, take yoghurt or lassi if possible. (lassi = a milkshake of yoghurt in simple words, take some yoghurt and milk + water and add some salt to it (or sugar if you want) and make a shake of it, have it at the end of sehri).
I prefer having the salted lassi, as we need salt and minerals throughout the day too, not just the water. So even if you prefer having a sweetened lassi, do add some salt to a glass of it. If you’re hypertensive, avoid taking the salt though.

2. Shower during Day Time

Take cold shower when it’s hot outside. Cold shower relieves thirst and exhaustion a lot. It relaxes the body and also causes body to cool down. It also causes blood vessels near skin to contract so there is more blood in the inner body system, leading to less thirst feeling.
Obviously, you don’t need to shower with soap everyday! Just stand under the cold water shower for a few minutes to relax your body and to get the benefits.

3. Avoid Sun and Heat during Ramadan

Sun and heat evaporates water from the body. So definitely avoid them to avoid thirst! Avoid working in the direct sun during the month of Ramadan. If you work in a office where majority is Muslim, try proposing change in office timings to the night hours.
Remember that we need to keep our body hydrated throughout the day, if not then at least provide it with the minimum required water quantity daily, so that it carries out normal functions and flushes toxins effectively.
Blocking out the sun from entering the house in the afternoon as much as possible by closing the blinds or curtains.
Wearing light-colored and loose clothes preferably made of cotton to absorb sweat.
Resting to the extent which is commensurate with the effort done in order to renew the body’s dynamic energy.

4. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

It is preferable to eat fresh vegetables and fruits at night and in the Suhoor (pre-dawn) meal. This is because they contain considerable amounts of water and fiber that remain for a long time in the intestines. This actually reduces the feeling of hunger and thirst. Cucumber is one of the most popular vegetables that combat thirst because it soothes the thirst and cools the body. It also helps to alleviate neurological disorders, and it contains nutritious cellulose fibers which facilitate the process of digestion, expel toxins, and cleanse the intestines.

5. Spices and Seasonings

Meals and foods containing a large proportion of spices and condiments require drinking large quantities of water following ingestion. That is because these foods absorb water as they are taken, from the pharynx mouth and stomach causing dryness in the body, and thus the feeling of thirst. So, the fasting person should avoid eating spicy foods which contain a lot of seasoning, especially in the Suhoor meal.

6. Liquids of all types

Particularly hydrating beverages and natural fruit juices which contain minerals. It is advisable to avoid juices containing unnatural substances and colors, which contain large amounts of sugar. These substances damage health and cause allergies.

7. Salty Foods

Salty foods increase the body’s need for water; therefore, it is advisable to avoid adding a lot of salt on the food and stay away from foods with high salinity, such as salted fish and pickles. It is preferable to replace the salt with drops of lemon in salad as they adjust the taste just as well.

8. Stimulants

It is recommended that the fasting person reduces the amount of stimulants like tea and coffee because they contain caffeine, which increases the activity of the kidneys and enhances its role in the excretion of urine. Thus, stimulants increase the process of losing water from the body. It should also be noted that tea and coffee cannot be considered alternatives to water; because their hot nature does not allow the fasting person to drink a large amount of them.

9. Soda Drinks

They contain carbon which causes flatulence and a feeling of fullness and prevents the body from using liquids. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid soda drinks during the Iftaar meal.

10. Water

Drink at least eight glasses of water per day. Do not drink large amounts of water at once. Should have a moderate water temperature, not too cold because the cold water cause problems in digestion.

11. It is also known that take 2 elaichi & crushed it,mixed this powdered elaichi with one teaspoon of curd ,eat this just after the food at saher … You will not able to feel any thirsty during fasting….

12. It is also known drinking adequate amounts of liquids with a high concentration of sugar hydrates the body and repels thirst.

13. It is also known drinking plenty of water at the Suhoor meal protects from thirst during the fast.

14. It is also known drinking very cold or iced water at the start of the Iftaar quenches thirst.

15. It is also known drinking water while eating food provides a greater opportunity for good digestion.

16. It is also known drinking plenty of water after the completion of the food directly helps in the process of digestion and extinguishes thirst.

17. It is also known frequent drinking of water leads to obesity

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